About Us

We aim to bridge innovations with markets. To do so, we focus on facilitating events and activities (such as conferences and webinars), building curriculums that could be implemented in educational organizations, and designing learning material and instructional platforms.

Also, we help startups and SMEs expand their networks and disseminate their products to commercialize them, and reach a level of investor readiness!
As an organization we have a rich portfolio of building learning platforms, designing learning material, making research and need analysis, creating websites, and creating networks of interested trainees willing to learn new skills. Also, our team has plenty of experience in project management and product development from Private Sector projects and previous Erasmus+ Projects.
We are addressing to next generation by trying to build learning subjects that increase critical thinking, digital readiness, learnability, analytical thinking, etc, and to help vulnerable people (such as unemployed, non-educates, imprisoned, etc) increase their employability, both with soft skills but mostly on hard skills.

Our team has great experience as individuals in implementing EU projects since we have been working on different organizations and institutions since 2017. Still, we decided to combine our strengths to make a bigger impact through our project’s outcomes. Over the last years, we have managed to build a strong and healthy international network with partners all over the European Union and also a local micro-community of stakeholders like VET Schools, Universities, schools, SMEs, and a lot of startups that are willing to embed innovations but need help on finding them.

Browse through the menu to learn more about our vision.

Prosvation participated in the 1st Young Entrepreneurship Summer School (June 2024) (prosvation.gr/prosvation-at-1st-young-entrepreneurship-summer-school/).
Prosvation, is a strong supporter of the Youth Festival of Larissa, Greece (https://www.facebook.com/events/562470676214886), since they are also active members of the local Council of Youth (Larissa city), with two young volunteers as representatives (facebook.com/DhmotikoSymvoulioNeolaiasDhmoyLarisaiwn). 
2 times in the past years, members of our NGO are also members of the Judging committee, at the International Economics Olympiad (prosvation.gr/prosvation-as-a-member-of-the-judging-committee-at-6th-international-economics-olympiad/ and prosvation.gr/prosvation-as-a-jury-member-at-international-economics-olympiad-winter-challege). 

Prosvation proudly designed and launched the platform www.vetvr.pro , aiming to bring trainers from the EU that want to improve their teaching methods using VR technology. They were invited to speak at an event in their town, about the challenges and the opportunities of embedding these tools into the learning process (https://prosvation.gr/new-technologies-in-learning-eventatlarissa2024/).

Prosvation has participated in scientific conferences. For example, the team has made a literature review for the use of VR in  VET Classes (prosvation.gr/vr-in-vet-education-a-literature-review-for-greece-spain-and-croatia/), for the 9th International Conference for Promoting Educational Innovation. At the same conference, they presented a workshop about the A.i. toolkit for classrooms (prosvation.gr/ai-tools-in-classroom-presentation-for-international-conference-for-promoting-educational-innovation/).
Moreover, Prosvation has participated in the 5th Panhellenic Conference for Digitisation of Cultural Heritage (https://www.euromed-dch.eu/), with presentations of “Ai.i and Digital Culture”, “VR for Cultural Heritage Perseverance” (https://prosvation.gr/vr-in-vet-education-presentation-on-pan-hellenic-conference/) and “Creative cities and Creative industry”.

In 2021, they were guest speakers, at a virtual event about Software Development Competencies (SmatDevOps EU Project prosvation.gr/software-devs-competencies/), and they were invited by their city’s Youth Council to make a presentation about entrepreneurship in Rural areas (https://prosvation.gr/webinar-local-community-entrepreneurship/). Prosvation recently was invited to speak about VR in education, at two events. One from a network of associations related to educational technology (prosvation.gr/new-technologies-in-learning-eventatlarissa2024/), and another, at “Pint of Science” in the city of Volos (prosvation.gr/vr-in-education-presentation-at-pint-of-science-volos-2023/). 

Early in 2025, Prosvation was a guest speaker at a debate about the ethics of A.i. (https://prosvation.gr/ai-ethics-at-aegean-college-video/). In 2024, they participated in and presented an event about the impact of A.i. on Arts, with the International Film Festival of Larissa (prosvation.gr/a-i-in-arts-event/). Also, In October 2023, they presented in front of an audience, how cinema is affecting modern innovations, in an interactive workshop (prosvation.gr/ai-in-cinema-international-film-festival-larissa-october-2023/).  Also, in May 2022, they talked about A.i. and employability, in the “Pint of Science, Volos” event (prosvation.gr/prosvation-supports-pint-of-science-greece/).

During the pandemic, Prosvation’s team provided many free workshops about digital skills, for Hellenic Cancer Federation (https://prosvation.gr/webinars-gia-tin-ellok/) . They have also provided a free workshop for early game developers (prosvation.gr/free-workshop/), a free workshop for Ai tools to teachers (youtu.be/_euyYD9Mzu8?si=DVUuZxlHrv3nZorR), and a free workshop for A.i. tools for Academic Research, invited by the University of Thessaly (https://prosvation.gr/a-i-in-academia-volos-in-tech-meetup-april-2023/).

Prosvation was the coordinator of the Global Game Jam event for Larissa City, for 2024 (https://prosvation.gr/completed-global-game-jam-larissa-2024/). They are also sponsors of the Larissa Comics Festival (https://prosvation.gr/project-ippokampos-vlogcasts/) providing vlogcast support. They proudly are the creators and organizers of the “Tech in Education Meetup” (https://prosvation.gr/projects/events/tech-in-education-meetup/).

In October 2024 Prosvation organised the “Larissa Startup Greece Week 2024” (https://prosvation.gr/livestream-startupgreeceweek-larissa2024/), where 8 startuppers, VCs and Project Managers, shared their experience with 100 participants.

In 2023, Prosvation participated in NGO Academy (https://ngoacademy.net/) in Croatia (https://prosvation.gr/ngo-academy-digital-tools-workshop-may-2023/).